Hey everyone, sorry it has been awhile since we updated our blog - life has been hectic!
For the last month or so we have had Cria Cantrix from our last litter boarding while her owners have been selling their beautiful country home, so it has been a bit packed haha.

We have also been doing quite a bit of showing, especially with our newest puppy Felipe (Shanlimore Cidwm Glenire).
We had our National specialty back in September, and although we didn't show at the National (too busy running it!) we did show at the regular show there and were able to get a cpuple more points for our aunt's dog Glenire Angus.
We then had the Great Pyrenees Club of Southern Ontario booster at Credit Valley. Cidwm's Cumae Prophecy was entered as a junior puppy and took Best of Winners for 1pt towards his championship in the regular show. At the booster Felipe was best male baby puppy (he lost then for best puppy to a beautiful puppy of our friends at Woolmarsh Great Pyrenees).Â
After the booster we had the Caledon dog show, and there we took Cidwm's Goddess Athena along with her son Cidwm's Cumae Prophecy (Prof). Felipe was best baby puppy. Prof did very well the day there was a great turnout for Pyrs and took Best Puppy in Breed and Best of Winners for 3pts towards his championship at only 7months old! Athena was Best of Breed the following day for 1pt :)Â

Lastly, we were just at our local show (Brantford and District Kennel Club). We took Glenire Acadia for Keeps, her brother Glenire Angus (on behalf of our aunt) and Prof both days. We also took retiree Ch. Glenire Minerva McGonagall (Acadia and Angus' mother) for veterans on Saturday and Felipe for baby puppy Sunday.
The real winner of the weekend was Acadia! Two back-to-back Best of Breeds for a total of 5pts towards her championship!

Needless to say it has been busy, so we are taking a break from showing until the new year!
This does mean we will definitely have availability to entertain guests who wish to visit, so please feel free to contact us to get a Pyr fix!