...also known as Woolstock.
For the second year in a row we were invited to attend Fleece Fest with our dogs as representatives of livestock guardian dogs (and the Great Pyrenees Club of Canada). This is an event celebrated fibre products and relating crafts, industry, and education. It is a very informative affair held at the Woodstock Fairgrounds every October.
The dogs spent the day greeting curious crowds and James and I answered a multitude of questions.
The idea was to provide information about livestock guardian breeds and the Great Pyrenees in particular. We also have GPCC membership forms available and handed out as many as possible and hope some were taken off the table as well. Fingers crossed we can help secure the club membership through our efforts.

Since we were there from 8am to 5pm, both the adults and puppies (James and I as well we suppose haha) are exhausted. It was a good way to spend a rainy Saturday though!
We did run a couple times into one inquiry I feel should be addressed. A couple times we were asked if our males were available for stud service, or if we knew of males that were. I asked both those who asked if their females were registered, no they were not. I explained then that as such we could not offer our males for stud as we are Canadian Kennel Club members and as such agree to not breed unregistered (and therefore legally non-purebred) dogs. As members of the Great Pyrenees Club of Canada we had agreed to the same promise under our code of ethics.
In order to be considered a purebred under the Ag-Canada regulations, the animal must be able to be registered. Anything else can be considered not a purebred.
It comes down to ethics as well. We want our dogs to be trackable and traceable. Registering them aids in this. We can also guarantee the parentage and therefore genetics (including health) behind registered dogs.
Having registered dogs is not just about "show dogs" it is ensuring that you recieve the dog you expect, and there is accountability for it.
But, I digress. We hope to return next year if they will have us! We hope to see you there!